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PAL Fall Newsletter Oct 2022

President's Message

To our PAL Vancouver residents and supporters,

Many PAL residents were glued to their computer screens on July 12, watching the leaderboard of donations coming in for PAL’s first-ever online fundraiser. When we say the building was buzzing with positive energy, we mean it! We exceeded our original goal of $1,500 and won a grant for the most individual donations. In total, we raised over $20,000 from the Give65 event.

September has been busy thanks to the Greater Food Bank of Vancouver. Our 8th-floor kitchen has undergone some major upgrades thanks to the GVFB’s Community Agency Partners (CAP) Grant. This will have a big impact on PAL’s weekly Soup Social and the use of the kitchen during PAL Theatre performances. We will share a completed tour once the upgrades are finished.

With the holidays approaching, Giving Tuesday will be our second and last gift-matching fundraiser this year. If you are considering donating to PAL during the holiday season, please support us on Tuesday, November 29. Our goal is to raise $7,000 which will be matched, for a total of $14,000!

The PAL Theatre is gearing up for the last few performances of the year. If you have not attended yet, don't forget to mark these upcoming shows in your calendar. Next up at the PAL Studio Theatre: “Seventeen” by Matthew Whittet (November 3 – 20, 2022), then "No Man’s Land" (November 25 – December 9) directed by John Prowse, and lastly Western Gold's "Holiday Extravaganza!" (December 16 – 18).

Finally, after years of benefit concerts on hold due to COVID-19, PAL Vancouver is honoured to be receiving proceeds from Bonnis Property & Pooni Group’s benefit concert: Granville Rocks on November 30, 2022. Granville Rocks will celebrate Granville's legacy and bright future with two wildly popular headliners, Bleachers and The Airborne Toxic Event.⁠ If you're a fan of live music, you won’t want to miss it.

Thanks to our donors, residents, and staff for such an exciting summer!

Cal Shumiatcher

Give65 Results are in!

We had set our original fundraising goal at $1,500, and we ended up raising over $12,800 in donations. But that’s not all... The final amount that we earned through Give65’s matching program and bonus prizes was $20,136.90!!!

Granville Rocks: Bleachers and The Airborne Toxic Event - November 30, 2022

This concert will go down in PAL Vancouver history - Get ready for a night of music, friends, and fun at the Commodore Ballroom!

Tickets available through this link:

Last Gift Matching Fundraiser of The Year

Double your donation impact for PAL Vancouver on November 29th. All online donations will be matched up to $7,000 for a grand total of $14,000!

Please mark this date on your calendar and invite your friends and family to join.

Check out our new PAL Theatre webpage

Click here to view the website:

New On The PAL Vancouver Blog

What is PAL's Chair-Naming Sponsorship Tier? Looking for a more unique way to donate? Looking for a holiday gift with a big impact?

PAL Vancouver Residents Jane and Judy, are the Female Canadian playwrights of "Comfort Cottages", which is opening on October 21st at the Central Alberta Theatre (Red Deer, Alberta).

Joe Average Puzzle in support of PAL

Joe Average’s One World One Hope puzzle is on sale now with partial proceeds going to support PAL Vancouver.

About the puzzle:

1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle made from high-quality snug fitting 1.9mm blue-chip board. 50ml bottle of sealing glue to bond the puzzle after assembly. If you wish to hang your puzzle after assembly included are 4 strips of Velcro to easily hang the puzzle without nails or tools and will leave no sticky adhesive behind. Reusable beautiful cardboard container with tin lid.

Showcasing PAL's Lobby Art

PAL's July & August shows featured posters, memorabilia, and iconic pieces from creative projects that PAL Residents have performed during their careers.

Please contact our office to book a viewing by calling (604) 620-4315 or emailing

Upcoming in the PAL Theatre

“Seventeen” by Matthew Whittet (November 3 – 20, 2022)

It’s just after the very last day of High School, just before this group of friends will move on and spread out across the great wide world. As dawn approaches through a fog of cheap beer, dreams are shared, insecurities aired and deep secrets are spilled…

Eight of Vancouver’s finest veteran senior stage actors will channel their teenage selves in this North American Premiere production by PAL’s resident theatre company, Western Gold Theatre. With direction by Michael Fera, the production will feature Stephen Aberle, David Bloom, Gustavo Febres, Nimet Kanji, Linda Pollard, Suzanne Ristic, Maki Yi, and Allan Zinyk.

Did You Miss 90 Days? Check it out Online!

We are so happy that the show sold out! Wonderful! If you know of someone who wanted to come, but couldn’t, no worries! It's available online along with the very informative Recounting 90 Days panel discussions, talkbacks and roundtables. Just click the link below:

Art Show Producer Volunteer Request

We are putting out a second request for volunteers to help produce an art show featuring PAL Residents' artwork. One person has come forward but we will need at least 2 more to make this a success.

Why? Many PAL Residents are looking forward to events with the community, bringing guests back into the PAL Theatre and opportunities to display their artwork.

The goal would be to bring together multiple stakeholders in the arts community to showcase and display PAL Residents' artwork alongside others from the Vancouver art community in a gallery-style viewing event at the PAL Studio Theatre.

Commitment level will vary depending on how many volunteers offer to help. The timeline can be as early as the holidays or any time next year.

If anyone is interested in either supporting or spearheading this project please contact our office by calling (604) 620-4315 or emailing

A Special 'Thank you' goes out to . . .

We almost doubled our previous donation amount thanks to TUTS audiences on Aug 12 & 13, raising over $4,700 for PAL Vancouver.

Thank you Theatre Under The Stars and an EXTRA big thanks to Kevin Woo for inviting us to "Pass The Hat" and keeping this tradition alive! PAL Vancouver appreciates it so much.

PAL Residents were able to enjoy Bard on The Beach's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream thanks to their Community Access Program. Thank you for bringing live theatre to our PAL Residents, it was such a special treat.

We are grateful to be a Community Agency Partner! PAL is now able to distribute food at no cost to residents every month.

Soup Social enjoys Terra Breads every Monday thanks to the coordination from PAL Residents, but especially Moira Talbot & Bonnie Melinda Ackland.

Fasken (BC Law Firm) donates pro-bono (free) legal services to support PAL Vancouver.

There is now a "Theatre Rate" for afternoon parking, courtesy of Indigo.

PAL Residents have been excitedly enjoying 18 cases of organic cereal & 48 cases of organic nachos. Thank you Nature's Path, for showing community support!

We are grateful to Joe Average for donating some of his original artwork to PAL Vancouver.

Please Consider Donating to PAL Vancouver

Tax Receipts will be issued for all donations $20 and over.

If you prefer to donate by cheque, please send to:

PAL Vancouver

300-581 Cardero St.

Vancouver, BC V6G 3L3

Sent by for our newsletter on October 7, 2022.


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